The Indian Aerospace and Defence industry is one of the highest technology industries witnessing unprecedented growth. And it roughly generates $500 billion-plus revenue every year. However, aerospace and the defense industries are troubled by corrosion. Components and parts are generally of high value and are stored for a period up to 15 years. BENZ Packaging delivers specialized VCI Packaging which is designed to help, protect and preserve equipment from Corrosion. Our unparalleled VCI formulation gives exceptionally impressive results on all types of metal aviation parts. Contact us/-9899144488 Visit Our Website/- #BENZPackaging #VCIFilm #ManufacturingProcess #Environmentallyfriendly #protection #GurgaonVCIFilminIndia #VCIFilmManufacturersinIndia #AntiCorrosion #MachinePackaging #woodenbox #woodworking #handmade #Aerospaceindustry #Specialisedvci #Metalaviationparts
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