Product details
With Collaboration with Propagroup, BENZ Packaging has introduced a cutting-edge product line called PROPADRY that effectively prevents humidity in both enclosed spaces and packages, thereby safeguarding the quality of your valuable merchandise. Moisture within cargo containers is a primary cause of damage to products during transit and storage. When in enclosed environments, the moisture in the air combined with the water evaporation from the cargo generates a tropical microclimate that enables water vapor to infiltrate the transported packages, leading to continuous condensation formation that causes irreversible harm. To shield and conserve your products' quality, PROPADRY Container Desiccants inhibit the formation of condensation. It accomplishes this by luring in moist air via a unique one-way membrane and trapping the moisture, converting it into the water, and preventing new cycles of evaporation and condensation. It can be used as Cargo Desiccant in single pcs as well as in Chain Form.